Dental Bridges


A bridge aims to save and protect an existing tooth that has been damaged by trauma or decay. In cases where the tooth has undergone root canal treatment, a bridge is recommended to strengthen the tooth once the nerve has been removed.

Importance of Dental Bridges

  • Replacement of Missing Teeth: Bridges are crucial in dentistry for replacing one or more missing teeth. Gaps in the dental arch can lead to various issues like shifting of adjacent teeth, bite problems, and even bone loss over time. Bridges help to fill these gaps, restoring proper dental alignment and function.
  • Preservation of Dental Health: By filling the space left by missing teeth, bridges help to maintain the integrity of the dental arch. This prevents adjacent teeth from drifting out of position, which can lead to bite problems and further tooth loss. Additionally, bridges distribute the forces of chewing evenly, reducing the strain on surrounding teeth.
  • Restoration of Aesthetic Appearance: Bridges not only restore oral function but also enhance the aesthetic appearance of the smile. They are custom-made to match the color, shape, and size of natural teeth, ensuring a seamless and natural-looking result. This is particularly important for restoring confidence and self-esteem in patients with missing teeth.
  • Improvement in Oral Function: Missing teeth can significantly impair a person’s ability to chew food properly and speak clearly. Bridges restore proper occlusion and function, allowing patients to eat a wide range of foods comfortably and articulate speech more effectively. This improves overall quality of life and nutritional intake.
  • Prevention of Bone Loss: When teeth are missing, the underlying jawbone can gradually deteriorate due to lack of stimulation. Bridges help to preserve bone density by providing support and pressure to the underlying bone, similar to natural teeth. This prevents further bone loss and helps to maintain facial structure and appearance over time.

Bridges are made from porcelain and or alloy. The porcelain is made to match your natural teeth colour and is resistant to staining. Alloy provides the crown with strength, hardness and durability, which is most useful for molars because they are used for crushing and grinding.

On your first visit, our dentist will take an impression of your teeth with a putty type material for record keeping. Then your teeth will be painlessly reshaped by one to two millimeters to make room for either the crown or bridge, and a second impression is taken. This impression is then sent to a lab where a dental technician will make the crown or bridge.

On your second visit, the bridge is then cemented into place. The dentist may need to make minor, painless adjustments to make the crown more comfortable once it has been fitted.